Monday, April 17, 2006

I Love the Chronocologically Advanced

So I ended up going camping for Easter..... fun times
My mom and Sister went too..... yay!

I also bought some 33's and 45's..... those would be records.... from an antique dealer
33's: Best of Hank Williams (priced at $15)
Hank Williams Jr. (also priced at $15)
The Soul of Spain (strings) (priced at $2)
45's: George Strait [
George Jones
Johnny Cash & June Carter { (All 5 of these for $1)
Hank Williams Jr.
& my favorite find.....
Carly Simon (You're so Vain) [
Total: $33

Yeah but I didn't pay that...... I sat and talked with this old man (antique dealer) for about an 1.5 hrs.....When my mom said, "you can't afford those!"Old man said, "Now wait just a minute! I like this here young lady. She can have any of 'em she wants for just $1 each. SO......
MY total $4